Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wisdom from Grandpa Rolf #2

**Warning! The following post contains a mild swear word and some sexual language.**

The wisdom of Grandpa is meant to deal with all facets of life. Whether you have concerns about the lack of hair on your chest, or your marital relationship, Grandpa has advice to share.

The following nugget is a rough translation of a German saying Grandpa Rolf has shared with many times:

"To hell with love, to hell with marriage, go back to your hand."

Could any single statement reveal the truth so well? Consider the person who is only after a quick thrill. Such a person would not be well suited to a loving, committed relationship. Marriage would be abhorrent to a person who only seeks immediate satisfaction. No, for such a person, the best solution is going 'Hand Solo'. The time and emotional effort involved in love and marriage are contrary to a quick moment of pleasure.

For people who long for more than 1 minute in heaven, the value of finding one person and committing to a marriage is the epitome of true joy. These people know that cultivating a relationship while you are still young is like saving up money in the bank. The time will come bodies can no longer perform the way they used to. When that time comes, committed couples can lean on their solid friendship to support one another and provide companionship.

I am sure this is what Grandpa means when he dispenses this sage piece of truth.


Laurie said...

I don't think since we have been married have I gone more than 2 weeks without hearing this from Gramps. He is hilarious. I love this series. I also appreciate your thoughts afterwards. It makes my heart flutter that you want to keep me around so long

WonderKitty said...

I think that is EXACTLY what granpa Rolf was talking about. He is a wise, wise man.

Nik English said...

Grandpa Rolf is as wise as yoda!

CTuna's Cavern said...

Hand Solo?? Wise sage Kersten besides....XXX though. Love Dad English

Mimi said...

I have heard this from your grandpa at least 10 times