Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wisdom from Grandpa Rolf #4

Grandpa Rolf grew up on a farm in Germany during an extremely difficult time in Germany's history. I know he worked hard and sacrificed for his family.

I believe that much of his wisdom stems from his need for something light in his life. He turned to what our family does best: distort the ordinary, mundane and tragic into obscene, funny and/or outrageous images.

So, I picture a young Rolf gathering eggs from the chicken coup one early and cold morning when he created this gem of wisdom that is still preached with reverence in our family.

For any physical ailment, with the exception of a hurt back (I will cover back injuries in an upcoming post), You must liberally apply "Chicken Shit" to the affected area.

According to Gramps, it's an effective treatment for zits, rashes, patchy beard growth, warts, thinning hair, etc...


Laurie said...

Ahh, yes, I have heard that this will cure anything that ails you. THat Opa Rolf, has some great advice

Nik English said...

You are lucky to have such wisdom close to you!

WonderKitty said...

Why don't they market such a usefull comodity? I think it would sell quite well!

CTuna's Cavern said...

It doesn't cure asthma unless you eat it by the shovel full but I'm not willing to try that.:)

Mimi said...

Can I get some of that? I really need it