Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Whining is for wimps and women

My eleventh month old son, Noah, is fond of bonking his head on hard and pointy objects. It's not that I think he intentional knocks his head...he is either drunk or just not very coordinated yet. Assuming that the latter is true, let me move on the the real issue I have with his infamous head banging. Every time he hits his head, he starts whining and crying. Now, I don't want to raise a wussy-boy, so I tell him: "Stop it. Whining is for wimps and women." If it were just me raising my son, rest assured, he would turn out to be an insensitive, egotistical, powerfully flatulent man with the ability to grow more chest-hair than Magnum P.I. and crush rocks with his head. However, my wife always intercedes and says something like: "Son, don't listen to dad, it's O.K. to whine and cry." Alarms ring in my head... I fear for the future of my son. I think if it were just my wife raising Noah, he would turn out to be a flower-growing, shoe-shopping, English-Patient watching wussy-boy who would enjoy getting his nails "done" and have the ability to make a mean souffle. Is it really OK to whine and cry? Perhaps if you have just had your arm torn off by a Wookie. In that case it may be OK to let out whimper and shed A tear. Other than that, suck it up and be a Man!